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A time in which people will get to know each other better - used in place of dating. During courtship, people spend time with their partner's family as well as private time with their partner to make sure that they're aiming towards marriage.

I'd rather be courted and engaged in courtship, then be dated, used for an evening and be on the dating scene.

by Hayniac April 10, 2015

53πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


something really really old fogies used to say instead of β€˜dating’. Noone youger than my great grandpa uses this word anymore - except for Darwin!

i'm taking my girl to the drive in and the milk bar during our courtship. Then maybe if i play my cards right, she might lift her peticoat and show me her knees.

by Uncle Chop Chop November 15, 2007

124πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A punishment worse than death itself.

Johnny, me and your farther decided that you are not going to be dating. But you are going to be courtshiping!

by Dr Phili April 18, 2016

4πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Virtual Courtship

When two people meet and date in a virtual world online with the intent of being together in real life. People who participate in Virtual Courtships are not initially bound by looks, age, location, and sometimes gender, thus providing a much greater real life dating pool. Virtual Courtships bypass flawed algorithms on static profile-based dating sites, allowing for real time, constant interaction.

"Matchsticks and I had an entirely Virtual Courtship. We had met as friends, fell in love, and decided to be together before we had actually met in person. I lived in the US, he was in Australia, and while skype video did a lot to connect us, the majority of our time together was on Second Life, where we met."

by randoym randt March 30, 2010

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Kangaroo Courtship

A romantic relationship two parties enter into for no other reason than to be in a relationship. A relationship without love or merit.

"I'm not surprised you found him on tinder considering his kangaroo courtship."

by The worst English student July 15, 2024