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crab rave

"Crab rave", also "🦀" or "crab" is used when kicking someone from a group. This will banish them from the cool kids club. The term comes from the song/meme "Crab Rave" by Noisestorm.

Dude, Chad is being such a dick. We need to crab rave this man.
Bro, you're gonna get crabbed if you pull this shit again.
I hate when Karen hangs out with us, can we 🦀 her already?
🦀 Josh

by TheJamberries January 2, 2020

31👍 1👎

crab rave

the best beat song if you dont listen to it your gay/les

hey is that crab rave?

hell ya man

by lil tay is gay November 2, 2018

30👍 25👎

crab rave

When two people find out that they both have crabs (a Sexually Transmitted Infection) and so they decide to have sexual intercourse, and their crabs meet and party.

You've got crabs? So do I! Wanna have a crab rave?

by PapaPoes January 1, 2022

2👍 9👎

Crab rave

An awesome beat with a cool flow

Dad: have you listened to crab rave today?
Son: not yet

Dad: die you faggot

by Big neggir September 9, 2018

78👍 26👎

Crab Rave

The best meme in the world

Yeah I can watch crab rave again

by laser_fox March 9, 2021

4👍 1👎

Crab Rave

When a gay couple dance and have intercourses at the same time

Joe and Tim did the crab rave last night

by Dick eater 😏 December 1, 2018

10👍 53👎

Crab Rave

When, after ejaculating, the male places the semen between his fingers, bends down into a crab-like position, snaps his hands like crab claws and says, "Don't get caught by the cummy claws!"

"Did you hear that Adam Crab Raved Tiffany last night?"
"Yeah she didn't touch him until he washed his hands."

by NotALurd February 16, 2019

7👍 46👎