Source Code

Crack Monkey

This is a friend or foe that does something really crazy or just needs to be call this. Have fun.

What up crack monkey?!?! What you been up to?

by john james June 10, 2005

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Crack Monkey

What you call anyone who says or does something just dumb enough not to be punched in the face with a Buick.

Jimmy just told that hot chick he likes Dungeons and Dragons and eats a lot of ham while wearing a glittery cape. Jimmy's a freakin' crack monkey, dude. That's what happens when your mom snorts crack rocks and coffee beans and then goes to the zoo to have unprotected sex with mysterious, hairy blurrs. They held her afterwards and brought her flowers the next day. So I guess it was kind of nice, in an anti-Darwin sort of way.

by Jodi S March 3, 2008

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Crack Monkey

A monkey who is addicted to crack cocaine, characterized by agitated delerium, feelings of restlessness, and exhibiting compulsive and repetitive patterns of behaviour, mostly in an effort to get more of the drug.

Scientists studying the effects of crack cocaine often use monkeys as the subject of their studies.

I must be in love because since I gave him my email address, I've been checking my email like a crack monkey.

by Alena W. September 23, 2003

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Crack Monkey

What you call someone that does crack and runs around scaring people

The guy at the beach acted like a crack monkey

by funguy2568 July 25, 2022

Crack Monkey

A person that exceeds idiotness. Someone that thinks you're oblivious and stupid when they are actually dumb as a box of rocks that have been stuck in a blender then tossed in the toilet then took out then incenerated.

Gosh, Dylans a crack monkey. He likes to grunt and moan at random times then criticises you for telling him to shut up.

by King LaQuifa November 12, 2019

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Crack Monkey

A person who is addicted to the act of Cunnilingus (oral sex performed on a woman). Primarily a term used by lesbian or bi-sexual females.

1. I thought Jenna was straight, but she's really a dirty little Crack Monkey!

2. I was really nervous when I first tried oral with another Girl. Now I'm a total Crack Monkey!

3. I never liked oral sex until I met Barbara. Now I'm a Freakin' Crack Monkey!

by JAM80 July 13, 2007

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crack monkey

1.a monkey who is addicted to crack
2.to express ones hate for another person

1. hey kids, this monkey is addicted to crack
2. man your a crack monkey

by jamie March 17, 2004

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