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crawled up your ass

Full phrase: "What crawled up your ass and died?" It is said after somebody farts and the smell is so horrible that everyone in the room runs out gagging. The implication is that the fart smells as bad as, for example, a rotting dead skunk or maggoty rat.

Todd's fart was so overpowering that Ben said, "Man, you stink! What crawled up your ass and died?"

by lyndal June 1, 2007

36👍 87👎

What crawled up your ass and died?

A sarcastic response to a persons bad attitude

Alice: Oh wow! Did you hear that cardinal?

Jack: Yeah, annoying little prick.

Alice: What crawled up your ass and died?

by OrvilleFan December 18, 2019

25👍 5👎

Something crawled up your ass and died!

Term used to describe an unusually bad smelling fart. The implecation is that the fart smells like a rotting animal combined with shit.

Damn, John, what the hell happened? It smells like something crawled up your ass and died!

by Waycoolrich August 8, 2007

66👍 29👎