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crazier than ten

A term used in northeast Philadelphia (ghetto 215 ) to describe a person than is extremely nuts, so crazy biggest balls that they will take what ever dare that’s presented or say shit just to fuck with someone than no one else has the guts to say .usually the class clown of the bunch.

Yo check out dink fuckin wit them cops , if they catch him they’re gonna lock him up .

Yeah that dude is crazier than ten mother fuckers

by Ghettoking 215 February 22, 2021

crazier than ten

A term used in northeast Philadelphia (ghetto 215 ) to describe a person than is extremely nuts, so crazy biggest balls that they will take what ever dare that’s presented or say shit just to fuck with someone than no one else has the guts to say .usually the class clown of the bunch.

Yo check out dink fuckin wit them cops , if they catch him they’re gonna lock him up .

Yeah that dude is crazier than ten mother fuckers

by Ghettoking 215 February 22, 2021