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Creek Kids

Creek Kids

Located in Boulder, CO, this lovely group of kids ranging from 8th graders to high school seniors have claimed the boulder creek area as their #1 spot to do every drug imaginable. They meet in the morning, during lunch, and after school, but many skip class and end up spending their whole day there.

Drugs they do: lotssss of weed, acid, shrooms, Molly, DMT, and more.

They are actually some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet, most coming from hard home lives/pasts.

To join creek, your usually invited down to morning spot by someone you know one time. Then that turns into a few more times until you start going there on your own.

Creek kids can get basically any drug at any time, and know the biggest plugs in boulder. Often misunderstood, never take a creek kid for granted

Time to go hang out with the Creek Kids!!!”

by Boulderchick420 March 20, 2020

37👍 6👎