Source Code

Crunked up

Partying hard like there's no tomorrow.

We gotst crunked up last night...party was off tha hook!

by Mo'$ April 13, 2005

56👍 19👎


It means to be realy, REALY Drunk!

Guy1: YO Man I was Crunked-Up Last Night!
Guy2: How Crunked-Up Were You?
Guy1: I was so crunked up that I Did a fat chick from the back n got brain from her!
Guy2: Shitt...

by Jordan Holla atcha boy January 8, 2006

7👍 19👎

crunked up

fucking high usually off weed

im crunked up u fucking gaf go eat a grommit

by jon r June 20, 2003

10👍 37👎

crunked up

the state of being pissed off, upset or angry.

I'm about to get crunked up.

by Ashley July 21, 2004

7👍 43👎