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yummy cummy cakes

cream filled cupcakes with gooey white goodness dripping off the top

You know you're going to have a great night when the drunk girl you are bringing home keeps begging for yummy cummy cakes!

by MandyP12345 June 8, 2011

father cummy cake

When a person eats a cake and gets white stuff around their mouth. During awkward situations you call them Father cummy cake. Usually said to females :)

-father eats a cake and gets frosting on his mouth-
HEY! father cummy cake!

Hey you!

by Kimmiebear November 24, 2010

1👍 2👎

cummy cakes

a very very yum person that is just SO amazeballs yk?!&/@/&: like they're the best person to ever exist and deserve all the minions in the world!! also just the person with the best feet to ever walk this universe. they're someone who deserves cum in their name because they're just freaking amaze balls and great and yeah

yeah cummy cakes is such a hot beautiful and cummylicious person yk?!

by catsarecoolasballs June 20, 2022