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One who is a consultant and also a cunt. Highly prevalent in the pharma/healthcare consulting industry.

Sarabvijay: The work we've paid this consultancy for is a pile of shit. We've literally jizzed $500k up the wall.
Jimmy G: Let's not contract with them again, especially that cuntsultant Mark - what a tool he is.

by RandyRhoads84 May 20, 2020


Some one who gives irrelevant or unhelpful advice often based in their own prejudices and assumptions.

(often accuses others of being askholes for ignoring said advice)

girl: Which dress makes me look sexier the green or red?
cuntsultant: Neither; you ought to wear that shapeless black dress to hide all your wobbly bits.

I asked that cuntsultant if she had any advice on getting a girl friend and she advised me to become gay.

by KP1337 October 6, 2012

2👍 2👎


The process of seeking the opinion of a person of lower intellectual ability purely to make that person feel special. Typically their input will have no relevance to the discussion or decision as they do not have the intelligence to participate in said discussion.

I had to cuntsult with Bob today on the plan. Man that guy has no idea on what this project is about. How does he keep his job?

by Pseu Donyms June 14, 2019


A senior UK doctor who is a little too big for their boots. In the UK senior specialist doctors are Consultants. The vast majority are lovely people. But anyone who has worked in the health service long enough will have met and had to work with at least one Cuntsultant. The main advantage of this form of words is that in the spoken form it's almost indistinguishable from the proper term Consultant.

I haven't even extended its use to Management Cuntsultants but I suspect that's an even richer vein of usage.

Variants: Cuntsultancy

"Dr X is a wantankerous cuntsultant"

by pacharanero March 1, 2021