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daisie tattoo

I have done a lot of thinking about what tattoo I want and I finally have the answer. The tattoo that I want is a DAISIE. For the longest time, I’ve wanted a single daisy tattoo. For the last couple of months, I have done so much research to figure out what the meaning of daisies is but none of them stood out for me. I didn’t like the meaning other people have made for them. So, I decided to create my meaning for this magnificent flower. Something about this specific white simple flower comforts me. When I zone out in class or get very anxious all of a sudden, I always find myself drawing daisies in my workbook, it calms me. I’d like to think if I get it tattooed, I’ll have it on me forever and every time I look at it it’ll calm me down and reassure me that everything is okay. Because sometimes my thoughts take over, and I can feel my anxiety taking over, my hands start shaking, my heart starts pounding and I start hyperventilating. In conclusion, this is my meaning behind daisies, it’s calming to look at and to draw. And for some reason, they just are “happy” flowers. Normal and easy to find.

When I look at daisie tattoo's it calms me.

by Phalange2005 November 30, 2022