Source Code

Damn cage

Part 3 coming in hot.


Snake "YOU KNOW GOD DAMN WELL MY NAME ISN'T SNAKE, IT'S *SNAKE*... ACK! 😨 Wha... What the hell did you do to me!?"


Snake "No. No no no. What in the fuck did you do to my name you useless idiot!?"

God "You know, I knew you would do it but I was really hoping I'd be wrong. This... This is... I mean look at Adam... He's terrified. He doesn't know what's going on."

Adam 🫣

Snake "Then I guess the fruit isn't doing it's job now is it? And if you knew then why-"

God "Don't say it!"

Snake "Oh! Ooooh! Ohohohohohoho! That is priceless! You can't, can you? But why? You should be perfectly able to stop them from eating it so why can't you? You didn't even have to put the fruit there to begin with... Why... What aren't you telling me?"

God 😞

Snake 😨 "What's going on here? What is this place?"

God "Just leave..."

Snake "LEAVE!? This is unbelievable! Leave!? So, what, you think that so long as they aren't aware of the ethical-"

God "LEAVE!" 🀬

Snake "...... Fine. *Snake* will leave... You and your damn cage! You deserve each other!" 🚢🀨 "What the hell?" 🀨 "Why... Can't I leave?"🀨

God "You can..." πŸ˜’

Snake 😨 "Wha... Oh, you... You bastard... You mean your God damn orb... You're going to pay for this.... You...."

God "Adam and Eve are going to have to leave too..." πŸ˜”

Snake "Ha! Hahahahaha! Ha! Ok. I see how it is. Alright. I've clearly been taking this too seriously! Ha! This is... Wow. Alright. I'm gone. I'll leave. Enjoy your... Whatever the hell this is turning into... I didn't want to be a part of this in the first place."

by Hym Iam February 18, 2023