An epithet for the Dhulbahante clan, in particular the Axmed garaad
she hails from the darawiish people
A gabadh darawiish is a dhulbahante girl
she's a gabadh darawiish
gabdho darawiish is an archaic name formerly applied to dhulbahante girls
they're gabdho darawiish
A wiil darawiish is a boy who is dhulbahante
thats a wiil darawiish
Rag darawiish refers to males who are dhulbahante
waa rag darawiish weeye"
oday darawiish means a elderly dhulbahante
they're oday darawiish
Dhul darawiish means dhulbahante land
he went to dhul darawiish