Dashboard Warrior is exactly like a keyboard warrior but in a car for instances of spontaneous road rage where there is never any plan to escalate an altercation face to face. In fact, if any encounter is about to escalate beyond harmless finger fighting via some Mime-Fu or Hand-Jitsu, the Dashboard Warrior will make all efforts to hastily drive off and escape.
Man, the school drop off these days is crazy. Nothing but Dashboard Warriors and Karents as if everyone is late to work - too busy go toe to toe before the principal or, Mr Meyers (the oversized PE/Math teacher) breaks it up. I get it, schools were only made for students arriving by walking in the snow uphill both ways — never this militaristic style attack by troops comprised of assorted mini backpacked soldiers in primary colored camo, shuttled quickly by fleets of offroad Humvee-like 4x4 suvs and all personnel carriers in the form of gold, silver, and burgundy minivans…