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Dead Chicken

Having sexual intercourse with a flaccid penis

Aye man i fucked this bitch last night, she made me go dead chicken

by BOONK_GANG March 6, 2018

Dead Chicken

When a chicken is no longer living, it is dead. I hope your chicken is dead

I have no life

Billy: Jenny, the chicken is dead along with our father
Jenny: That chicken is very dead... WOW
Billy: Ya that chicken is dead and is no longer living so it is a Dead Chicken

by LovedemCHICKENS May 29, 2019

dead chicken

The act of grasping one's own flaccid penis below the glans and stetching it upwards and laterally toward the right nipple. Usually performed as an insult.

Brad asked me to check out his brand-new belt buckle, but when I looked down, all I could see was a dead chicken. What a punk-ass.

by Johnny Stone March 31, 2006

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dead chicken

while have sex in the reverse cowgirl position. your buddy comes in and drop kicks her in the neck making her look like a dead chicken.

bro can you do the dead chicken to this girl tonight. i dont like her that much

by fancy cracker January 28, 2011

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wave a dead chicken

to perform a task known to be ineffective simply to make it appear you are working to solve a problem.

i knew the proposal was way off base but i waved a dead chicken and corrected the spelling anyway.

by hidef March 29, 2004

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Wave a Dead Chicken Over It

A term commonly used in technology meaning to do some useless, unhelpful thing in hopes it will solve a problem. For example, restarting your computer.

Intern: AGH! My computer froze!
Supervisor: Well, why don't you just wave a dead chicken over it; restart it.

by Leah77777777777777777777 August 9, 2008

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Drop Dead Chicken Head

It is lower class ghetto whore, that when used, is immediately discarded after uses (Like one would treat a condom or tampon)

Evan: I smashed Dana last night, wasn't all that great.
George: That drop dead chicken head

by Robbie123inyourBIGvag March 26, 2011