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dead text

a text that is recieved too long after is sent so you are no longer obligated to reply to it.

I recieved a message from my friend the morning after it was sent asking if I was still up, so I decided not to reply because it was a dead text.

by Desiree1990 May 25, 2008

9183👍 1122👎

dead text

a text that has nothing you can reply to or ends a conversation.

guy 1: wats up
guy 2: nothin. u?
guy 1: nothin
guy 2: cool
guy 1: ok
guy 2: dude thats a dead text

by twitchykid123 December 12, 2010

119👍 41👎

dead text

A text received so late that its subject matter is void.

I got John's text about the homework questions too late - by the time I responded, the assignment was already due.

Turned on my phone after finally recharging it and now have a bunch of dead texts flooding my inbox.

by Kishyotai September 16, 2010

75👍 35👎

dead text

receiving absolutely NO response after texting a girl you met for the first time earlier in the week, even if you felt like there was a good connection between the two of you

His Text:
Hey Cindy, I had fun hanging out last night, I'm gonna have a little cook out with some friends tonight, what are you up to?

Her Text:_________________________

His Text:
Hi Shelley you definitely broke it down on that dance floor on Friday, did you take classes for those moves?

Her Text:_________________________

Scenario with Friend

Friend: Did you ever get in touch with that cutie you hung out with all night?

You: Well I send her a text yesterday...

Friend: ...and?

You: Nothing! No response!

Friend: Damn dude, I can't believe you got dead texted after that.

by adiboy January 10, 2012

19👍 31👎

Dead-End Text

A text that closes the conversation because it doesn't lead to any engagement from the other user, besides one or two words.

Dead-end text: Thanks for last night.

by Bellaisa Filippis January 22, 2015

Dead-end text

When you text someone and they don't ever respond.

Guy 1: Hey, I dead-end texted my girlfriend today.
Guy 2: Does she ever respond?
Guy 1: No

by Anonymous0375-03e7 March 25, 2010

5👍 12👎