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Dead-Rat Beats

Dead Rat beats is an upcoming music artist who focuses on rap and the safety of roadkill as he himself has experienced animal cruelty firsthand , he raps about his daily struggles of being a rat , in today’s society rats are abused and demeaned and undervalued , this is truly despicable and must change as it will Better the world and bring peace and justice.

His raps are posted on the social media website called: Instagram
He will post his tunes on soundcloud soon....

Instagram - dedrat.beatz

Wow! That dead-rat beats concert was so sick, my favourite line is..... (dedrat.beatz on instagram to find out)

Dead-rat beats raps make me feel different about the way rats are treated in modern society, they are truly majestic creatures!

by way2cool4usmeglets June 23, 2022