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Debate brain

Used to describe when a person tries to turn everything into a heated debate solely for the purpose of having something to argue about. This type of person will often continue after their anger is proven to be unwarranted, even if they don't actually understand what they're arguing over.

Guy 1: "Dude, why are bandaids so expensive, man?"

Guy 2: "Really? You really think we need to call every bandage a 'bandaid?' Those are adhesive strips. Band-Aid is a brand, first and foremost. Honestly if you hate it that much, you should buy some gauze. Like, honestly. It's not hard. Maybe you should think about that next time. If I got a cut, the last thing I'd do is ask for a 'bandaid'. Jesus."

Guy 1: "Holy crap, dude. That debate brain goes CRAZY... Remind me why I hang out with you again?"

Guy 2: "Probably because my opinions are always the right ones?"

by gulk June 20, 2024