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deck chairs

Aimlessly and hopelessly attempting to achieve a goal that is already lost.

Derives meaning from the phrase, "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."

"Mike is clearly going to fail his Criminal Law final. His studying is nothing but deck chairs."

by TBLBHK May 3, 2006

1738👍 532👎

deck chair

getting folded , having a big weekend and coming out on the scattered side. Sunday your a deck chair .

bill- geees you're acting like a deck chair just folded.

sunny- i aint a chair

bill- yeah but your acting folded . folded like a ikea deck chair.

by Queenbe3 December 11, 2021

Fishermens deck chair

When the man lies on his back and the women sits with the her legs either side of the his torso and her hands behind her looking at his feet while he performs oral sex

Jimmy: Frank, how was your date with Mary
Frank: Awesome we did the fishermens deck chair. I've still got the reminder on the end of my nose.

by Mrbadgerless July 23, 2018

Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic

This is a situation when someone tries to futilly reform the way things are done in a failing system.

The consolidation of domestic agency intelligence under the banner of "Homeland Security" is nothing more than Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic.

by R. Kemp December 13, 2004

393👍 106👎

Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic

A joke Stephen Colbert made on the 2006 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Some people say changing the cabinet around is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. That's not true; this administration isn't sinking. In fact, this administration is soaring; if anything, it's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg.

by presleyg July 28, 2006

128👍 95👎

it's like shuffling deck chairs on the titanic

Actually means: actions taken solely for the feeling (or the appearance) of doing something about an unavoidable situation; actions that not only accomplish nothing but *blatantly* accomplish nothing.

"Oh, look, now GM is trying to fire Wagoner. It's like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic."

by Arkaaito December 8, 2008

97👍 8👎

it's like shuffling deck chairs on the titanic

A phrase used to describe a situation that is:

a) almost near impossible
b) awkward/tricky
c) difficult

Stemming from the movie, Titanic, where shuffling deck chairs on the sinking ship would have been tricky.

Teacher: I'm trying to get my students to quieten down...it's like shuffling deck chairs on the titanic.

by Briollette August 29, 2006

15👍 162👎