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Del Fuego

Del Fuego - To be extremely fu*king hot. Spanish termsz.

Damn baby you are so fu*king Del Fuego!

Damn did you see that?! That shit was Del Fuego!

by True001 April 14, 2006

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Blumpkin Del Fuego

Getting a blowjob while taking a shit, just after eating mexican food

Chad: Damn, Tim stepped up his blumpkin game!

Josh: how so?

Chad: he ate mexican food that day. That shit was fire water, aka Blumpkin Del Fuego!

by EmbraceTheSuck May 21, 2013

culo del fuego

n. hot fiery diarrhea

I ate Popeye's spicy chicken, yesterday. Now I have culo del fuego.

by Ferph October 29, 2014

homo del fuego


Lit. "Homo of fire"

Typically used metaphorically in derogatory fashion when referring to the obnoxious or otherwise unwelcome behavior of another.

See also: wordDayne/word, wordRomo McHomo/word

I was just minding my own business and then I had to deal with Dayne: Homo Del Fuego.

by ADD August 22, 2003

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La Cama Del Fuego

A threesome with two redheaded girls; so hot it can only be called "La Cama Del Fuego. Also considered a rite of passage on the way to manhood, as the rarity of one redhead is so strong that getting two in the same bed declares brotal manitude.

Paul, "Hey dude how did your night end up? You look a little burned out."

Chris, "Yeah dude thats because I spent the whole night in La Cama Del Fuego"

Paul, " I am in awe dude, seriously. This weekend I will sacrifice my younger brother to your carnal godliness"

by fuckingsmangthatjawn December 7, 2011

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