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Delivery stress

Delivery stress is the sensation of anxiety experienced from the powerlessness associated with waiting at home in anticipation of the delivery of goods, most commonly households appliances, scheduled to arrive at an unfeasibly, imprecise time. Some may also experience associated cabin fever due to the inability to leave one's home for fear of missing the delivery slot. Other associated Behaviour includes irrational calling/complaining; excessive coffee consumption; neighbour pestering; post-its on doors; loitering outside home; inability to accept reality of poor delivery services; denial. For those with online shopping addictions, Delivery Stress can be a complicated and all encompassing condition.

My delivery was scheduled to arrive between 07:00 and 20:00 today. I've had such bad delivery stress all day, I couldn't plan my life or even go out for a latte. And when it arrived, it wasn't the organic fair trade quinoa I had ordered. It was unfair trade!!

by Rboum October 3, 2013