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A secret society of member unknown to each other conspiring to keep things on an even keel. Preservers of the status quo.

If not for the work of the deluminati who knows where this world would be?

by words4play March 23, 2017


Another name for psychiatry. Iluminati means the enlightened ones, deluminati means the unenlightened ones or those who fumble in the darkness. Other namesfor psychiatry is liars, murderers, bullies, rapists, pedophiles, slackers and the closest thing to being unemployed.

A qoute from psychiatry itself a.k.a the Deluminati

Solus qui insanus est stultus est et credulus unus - Latin for, the only one who is insane is the stupid and the gullible

by Glandonigahn March 31, 2022