Somebody who advocates for the installment of a socialist economy through democratic means (i.e. elections etc.)
The prime characteristics of such an economic system include:
- partial or complete governmental control over the means of production.
- a planned economy, in which the state determines how much of a certain product is made to combat wastefulness
Democratic socialists often also support:
- expanding social benefits, such as health care
- implementing or strengthening workers rights to participate in business decisions.
- more power to the trade unions
- setting a limit for wage gaps, e.g. top managers can't earn more than 20 times as much as the worker with the lowest wage
A: Bernie Sanders is a democratic Socialist.
B: Democratic socialism? Pff. That's an oxymoron! Socialism leads to autocracy and gulags!
B: I'm sorry, but you seem to be stuck in the fifties with all of the cold war propaganda.
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Domestic terrorist, wants to install an authoritarian society
Dude, did you hear that Bernie is a Democratic Socialist? I never knew he hated America.
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The current party politicians that rely on corruption, deceit, and lies to try to deceive the American population into becoming China's property. They try to attain absolute power so they can force the populous into a welfare state, so the populous is dependent on the government.
Tim: These draconian lockdowns are killing the economy.
Sarah: yeah, these damn socialist democrats are trying to turn the whole country into California, and New York.
Tim: We better learn mandarin....
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see also; champagne socialist, oxymoron, left wing populism
democratic socialist; somebody who is a left wing populist.
if you don't want to read all of this, here's your definition in simple terms; a childlike, imaginary world of how society should work.
a person, usually of upper middle class or upper class who subscribes to the idea of a classless society in which all are equal. in other words, they wish establish a welfare state. these people typically discuss a "revolution" with such cult-like behavior, that you could easily compare it to christians awaiting the rapture.
the majority of democratic socialists support Palestine, Ukraine, and the Scandinavian welfare model.
prominent (D)emocratic socialists include Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Hasan Piker, etc.
the use of the word "democratic" means the interests of the Democratic Party (USA), and has always meant that. socialism inherently involves interventionism (soft term for authoritarianism), so the use of democratic is to simply attract more supporters, usually liberals who keep lying to themselves that they're not authoritarian.
oh, and don't EVEN get me started on that dumbfuck Hasan.
tl;dr, socialists who want to pretend to be libertarian.
Emily, (inhabitant of Pittsburgh): "Hi!!! I'm a Democratic Socialist, the wealth inequality in the US is INSANE! This is why we must raise the minimum wage, tax the rich, fund our schools and provide universal healthcare!"
Bobby, (inhabitant of Knoxville): "so Emily, how would you pay for all of that?"
Emily, (inhabitant of Pittsburgh): "SHUT UP YOU REACTIONARY!!! #BLM #ACAB #EatTheRich"