Source Code

Demon Child

In summary: A young, naive child who likes to be pain in the *** to anyone older than them, with exception of annoying seniors and mature adults.

"Hey sis."
"Hi big brother! What is that?"
"It's my phone. Don't touch it."
"Can I touch it?"
"God, you're such a demon child, sis."

by Psychoticlife June 10, 2020

10👍 2👎

Demon Child

A little brother or sister under 11 that gets away from trouble or tells off their big brothers or sisters up to no good

What are you Doing?

Its a Arcade Machine! now get out of my room!

No it aint! its a ATM Machine im tellin mom, MOM!

OK shut up il give you $50 bucks to be quiet!


Ok heres $60 and get out!

Man yur sister is a Demon child

by playmaker739 August 26, 2008

61👍 15👎

Demon child


Mom: Hey demon child
Caillou:Oh hey

by Lmao_Brazy November 25, 2018

8👍 4👎

demon child

go visit me...NOOOOWWW....that is if you want to see a demon child!


by dark person...very dark September 19, 2003

14👍 29👎

demon child

A friend of mine

my friend Very Dark person

by Very dark person' friend October 1, 2003

8👍 35👎

Ze Adowable Demon Child

A mix of words used to describe a person who is extremely adorable, loveable, and who is there for you in your times of need.

Ze adowable demon child is leaving her home. Ze adowable demon child is helping me.

by aLpHoNsE<3 August 17, 2019

2👍 2👎