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diabolical lick

That trend on TikTok.
A person or people steal an item from school sneakily (commonly out of the bathroom) and post a video of it on any social media platform. (e.g. toilet, soap dispenser, urinal screen)

(I'm serious about the toilet) + It is also called devious lick.

Friend A: Hey, wanna hit a diabolical lick?
Friend B: Bet.
*2 hours later*

by thekaprisunstraw September 17, 2021

Diabolical Lick

A stupid TikTok Trend in Which Stupid Kids steal stuff from the school's Restroom thinking that it's funny and assuming that it will make them cool

Stupid kid 1: "Dude im gonna hit the most diabolical lick and steal the soap dispeneser!"
Stupid kid 2: "No way bro you're so crazy."

by That_Mexican_Guy September 21, 2021

diabolical lick trend

where teenagers on tiktok post videos of them stealing stuff from school, most likely a hand sanitizer. they post those videos on tiktok captioning it "I just hit the most diabolical lick".

guy 1: hey dude, look at that idiot, why is he putting that hand sanitizer in his bag?
guy 2: he's doing that diabolical lick trend on tiktok.
guy 1: damn, people on tiktok would do anything to go viral. even if they know that their going to get charged for what their doing💀

by your mom's fav ♥ September 27, 2021

diabolical lick

to steal something from a school in menacing demeanour

I just hit a diabolical lick in the bathrooms dude!

by wet dog alien September 20, 2021

diabolical lick

An unspeakable act of theft, commonly related to school property.

Only the first week of school and i already hit the most diabolical lick

by wetfrant09 September 8, 2021

diabolical lick

the devious personality of the devil and the urge to steal something

we finna hit a diabolical lick at school

by jhopesthiccsprite September 19, 2021

diabolical lick

a very, very well paying and rewarding item that one steals from a place

Bartholomew: dude check this shit out, fully working soap dispenser taken straight from the school bathroom
Humphrey II Jr.: dude that's diabolical lick holy shit

by XXX_pussyslayer621xXX September 13, 2021