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dick and dip

Another phrase for hit it and quit it

Dude I totally dick and diped last night on Carly

by Lauretaytayfyi April 21, 2016

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dick n dip

When you have sex with someone and they never contact you again afterwards.

Mary: how'd last weekend with Rob go?
Emma: it was good but I haven't heard from him since:(
Mary: aw I'm sorry, I hate when guys dick n dip

by Dick Inabut February 27, 2020

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Dick n Dip

When a girl gets dick and then she dips

Emily just dick n dipped on Chris with no feelings at all

by EmBri September 23, 2019

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Dick Dip

The dipping of one's dick into an object, usually as a prank. Similar to the tea bag.

Don: why does my coffee taste so weird?


by Gauren L September 15, 2016

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[dick dips]

having sex, essentially dipping one's dick into a vagina.

"I was doing dick dips all night last night."

"I've been doing dick dips on so many broads lately that I'm getting tired."

"Sarah is sore from all the dick dips last night."

"Birds love it when I take them out for some dick dips."

by noelcarrick January 3, 2009

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dick dipping

Dipping your dick in a dipping sauce with a bobbing motion.

Bob: Was he just dick dipping into the BBQ sauce?
Pete: The hip motion looked like he was bobbing.

by anpu13 May 18, 2014

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Dick Dip

The accidental dipping of one's dick in the toilet water, either as a result of an erection, a shallow toilet bowl, or an abnormally long penis.

"Aw man, I just went to take a leak with a semi and did a total dick dip."

by Jeff_jr February 1, 2014

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