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1 - n. the literal act of tucking ones penis back between their legs to resemble a female crotch.

2 - n. A person who engages in this activity whether voluntarily or by reflex. Used in a derogatory fashion to indicate somebody who is a coward, i.e. they are so scared that their penis retracts into their body. To pull a dicktuck would be to act like a braggart, claiming you are going to perform an action (typically a fight) and then backing out at the last minute. To back down from a shocking claim in a dishonourable manner.

Related to 'pussying out', although the dicktuck infers that the tuck-ee was acting like a big man or asshole prior to the cowardly withdrawl

Guy at the bar said he was gonna kick my ass when I left, but he pulled a dicktuck when he saw me stand up

I see you edited your post after you were getting pwn3d. Nice dicktuck, Charlie.

by Alger Hiss March 25, 2007

23👍 6👎


1. The act of tucking one's dick in between their legs so they can fit into girl pants. (v. or n.) Ususally pertaining to those silly 'scene' kids.

2. Chickening out.

1. Jock: That stupid scene boy's such a pussy - I bet he had to dicktuck just to fit in those tightass pants.

2. Way to dicktuck, you faggot - you killed the senior prank!

by mhoe March 30, 2007

5👍 6👎


One who tucks his dick or crank back up between his legs, sometimes taping it to his butt, to give the impression that he is actually a she.

I swear the woman I came into contact with on facebook was actually a dicktucker . Had to be a dude the way she or he talked. Next I won't friend him or her so soon.

by Jungle Outsider December 10, 2010

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