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digital alter ego

A pseudonym for someone's identity on the internet. This is who they are in chat rooms/forums/online social network (facebook, myspace, etc) in contrast with who they are in the real world.

My digital alter ego got huge last week, after my definition got added to the urban dictionary front page. I got 10 friend invites on facebook today from people I don't remember.

by Ebonyks January 22, 2011

5👍 1👎

digital alter ego

A pseudonym for someone's identity on the internet. This is who they are in chat rooms/forums/online social networks (facebook, myspace, etc) in contrast with who they are in the real world.

My digital alter ego got huge last week, after my definition got added to the urban dictionary front page. I got 10 friend invites on Facebook today from people I don't remember.

by Ebonyks January 22, 2011

digital altering

The act of wasting State of the art technology to touch up the voices of singers or even instruments in music. The process is fairly efficient usually unless the singer totally sucks, resulting in techy, unaturally smooth voices that emanate a strange, humming sound. if you pay attention, it sometimes becomes very obvious. It is usually noticeable in songs where the singers aren't drowned out by electric guitars. It is not as frowned upon as lip-synching, but some fans dislike it. It is choppier in live music because the Mic. is the only thing correcting the tone.

Hilary Duff is singing better than normal!

Don't get too exited, Nasa just took charge of digital altering her voice, that's all.

by Broadcasting to you from a geisha house August 13, 2006