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A disease that debilitates you of all eliteness and heterophobia you have

You know that kid Travis? He has some digitus.

by Anonymous April 4, 2003

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digitus impudicus

{The finger; a gesture using the middle finger to simulate a penis, and the remaining finger, testicles. From the Latin.

After popping a surprise quiz on us, the Latin master displayed a digitus impudicus, hopped into his MG, and peeled off to bugger the boys' choir

by cornholio October 12, 2003

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pickus digitus

The fairly common act exhibited by someone when nervous, worried or scared about a situation. Symptoms involve the removal of skin from around the nail area of a finger(s) - either using fingers or teeth.

Joey: I don't know wot you're worried about man, I mean you studied hard for that exam - I don't get why you need to pickus digitus.

Rick: Yeah you're right, but it's this bad habit I got.

by sixxon June 19, 2007

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Non-digitus extractus

Failure to pull your finger out.

I acknowledge that it's taking longer than you expected but the powers-that-be have been struck down by a rare case of Non-digitus extractus.

by Piemanius March 7, 2009

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digitus penetro auricles

Latin name for a psychological disorder in which the person is obsessed with sticking their fingers into strangers ears at all costs. A debilitating disease which sometimes leads to insomnia if the afflicted does not stick their finger in someones ear at least once a day

People with 'digitus penetro auricles' are sometimes mocked and misunderstood. Often reffered to as an 'ear rapist' in english or 'violador de orejas' in spanish

by auditoration October 24, 2008

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