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dirty nazi

sometimes called the punisher, the dirty nazi is like the shocker only instead of two in the cooty but one for the booty, its one in the meat and two in the seat.

the name is just really funny.

Jan got dirty nazied by a dirty nazi

by grey April 7, 2005

28👍 15👎

Dirty Nazi

A sex move where a man ejaculates into a woman's anal cavity and then leaves 5 million souls to die in the gas chamber

Damn, that girl Molly is kinky. She let me give her a Dirty Nazi last time we hooked up!

by VAisforLizards June 8, 2017

5👍 2👎

Dirty Nazi

A mixed drink: One shot of vodka and one shot of jagermeister. Not for the light drinkers.

Order up a dirty nazi, and let the good times roll.

by Texas Red March 13, 2009

3👍 9👎