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Someone who is so damn cool they like to throw balls at each other and dress up stupid, and then get rather drunk in the apres-dodgeball activities.

Daddy, when I grow up I wanna be a dodgeballer...
Forget actors and pop stars, I wanna find me a dodgeballer to love...

by Patches O'Stedlihan April 8, 2011


A very good movie
also a game played in gym class which can cause injury or even DEATH poor kenny always dies

"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball"
"If you can dodge traffic you can dodge a ball"

by Josh February 12, 2005

169๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


One if the best games ever invented, mabe PE worthwhile, should not have been banned just because a few weaklings complain when they are hit with a ball, stupid schools

by Samuari October 28, 2003

213๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gym-class style sport where a bunch of kids get divided into two teams and throw approximately 6-10 playground balls at each other across the middle-line of a gymnasium (which may not be crossed) in an attempt to get each other "out". If a ball is thrown into another player without bouncing off of anything, that player is "out" unless they catch the ball, in which case the thrower is "out". Once a ball bounces, it is essentially out of play until thrown again. This game is now being outlawed in schools, in a consistent attempt on behalf of the government to make children weak, retarded, and liberal.

Dodgeball is too violent to be played in our schools! Doesn't anyone know that children are actually made of extremely brittle materials and should not be touched by ANYTHING?

by Al October 14, 2003

237๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


Incredibly feral game which many schools are now banning for some (presumably stupid) reason. I am, sadly,a victim of these decisions; thelast good dodgeball game I played was in 7th grade. Many variations of this game exist, but most of them involve flinging soft, medium-sized foam balls at one another on 2 sides of a line. Getting hit makes you 'out.' Occasionally, provisions are added to reverse the 'out' status, but they usually involve teamwork of some sort.

I felt that the dodgeball game, becoming more and more fast-paced and violent, was the pinnacle of physical education class. Then I felt the burning sting of the foam ball as I realized, "Don't think, MOVE!"

by zaphodchak October 16, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A great game that quickly separates the strong from the weak, the boys from the girls, and the normal from the pussies.

The sole reason for showing up to elementary school gym class.

C'mon, kids! Let's get in some dodge ball before the liberal commie fags at the school board make us stop and hug each other for gym class.

by dammit janet October 23, 2003

585๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A game played most often in middle-school gym class. Usually fun, although often ends up to the social exclusion of nerds, dorks, etc. Can also be very painful to play. Essentially, people throw foam or rubber balls at the people on the other team. If you're hit, you're out,if you catch it, the thrower is out. Usually enjoyed by jocks and athletic people. Un-athletic people, such as myself, always leave the dodge ball field to a stream of boos and "You suck for being a wimp!"s. It's still damn fun, though. Is currently being banned from many schools.

2. The balls used in said game.


Nerd: *Throws ball*
Jock: *catches ball easily* YOU SUCK, WIMP!
Nerd: *leaves field*


I got a concussion because I was hit with a dodgeball thrown at the speed of light by that jock over there.

by NESDude January 5, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž