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The act of smoking big ol doinks during the month of October (aka smoking giant blunts). To truly get into the festivities of doinktoberfest one must roll big ol blunts every single day and smoke them. If the blunt is not grirthy enough to barely fit inside your mouth then the doink is not big enough, and therefore you must rewrap your blunt and stuff extra weed into it until it is ready to explode. To be a true follower in the art of doinktoberfest one must finish off the blunt each day for the 31 days of October. Then and only then will they master the art of doinking.

Tyler smoked a big ol doink during the month of doinktoberfest and choked on the girth of it. He was not worthy of participating and was not a true fan of doinktoberfest.

by Nateg123 November 28, 2017