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Don't Even Trip

Don't Even Trip - Not concerning yourself with an issue , especially when you did everything to could to keep it real with a person.

When you come to the point when you're through putting up with someone's BS, and just telling them what's really what.

P.C. told AD, "Don't even trip about your ex, I got your back."

by Sir Rey October 16, 2007

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don't even trip

Used when telling someone not to cop an attitude (emphasis on the word "even").

Girl, don't EVEN trip about Rita hookin up wit Jose.

by smelly_cat40 November 30, 2003

don't even trip

It's all good. Don't worry bout it

Tyvon left you? Don't even trip

by Giddy December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

as in don't worry about it

cuz fliped on me, i told ol' boy don't even trip

by Dolla December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

An expression used to suggest a person not to get angry.

Man Don't even trip, She only cheated on you because she's like that.

by KoVaH November 28, 2003

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don't even trip

don't worry about it- it ain't worth it

Hey man don't even trip, that hoe was askin to get knocked up.

by Jess December 1, 2003

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don't even trip

Don't even think about it! To put something so far out of your mind that it is useless to you and others.

Don't even trip about this because that fool will not get any of my money.

by Teresa Rae Butler January 23, 2006

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