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Donnie Darko

An excellent yet overrated cult movie made by Richard Kelly.

Donnie Darko is a troubled adolescent who's life is saved when a giant bunny rabbit orders him to follow him one night. A plane engine so happens to crash on Donnie's room, but he is gone with frank (which is why his life is saved)

Realizing that his life should have ended then, Donnie finds secrets of physics and experiments things related to time travel and a book, that simply cannot be a coincidence. He is also going through a major teenage confusion, doubting humanity and especially adults.
Just look at how the parents' reaction is different to the childrens', when Donnie is bashing Jim Cunningham on stage. They are shocked, while the teens actually relate to the REALISM of Donnie's words.
Things cannot always be devided in only two paths.
Life isn't that simple.

Donnie Darko, the movie, is a presentation of many philosophies that only very few people ever think of.
"Destruction is a form of creation"
Etc, etc.

Fantastic, yet kind of overrated movie by most.
I see ALOT of people who "respect" and "worship" this movie yet cannot understand crap about it.
Some like it just because it's oh so underground/cult, and never actually try to think about the message flowing in the movie.

The children will have to save themselves because the parents have no clue.

by Urban Dictionary June 22, 2005

1527๐Ÿ‘ 393๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

An excellent cult movie about a borderline-schizophrenic adolescant who starts having visions of a six foot rabbit named Frank, who has come to warn him that the world is coming to and end. A thought provoking film about time-travel, apocalyptic visions and the wonders of reality.

"Twenty Eight Days, Six Hours, Forty Two Minutes, Twelve seconds...That Is When The World Will End."

"Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood."

"If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule. There would only be you and your memories."

"Cellar Door"

by Jen October 7, 2003

674๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

A wonderfully cinematic and compelling film directed by Richard Kelly and staring a wonderful cast headed by Jake Gyllenhaal and Jena Malone about a teenage boy turned superhero after a 6 foot tall rabbit helps him destroy the tangent universe that has been created, and save humanity.

Ultimately a sci-fi/love story, but one hell of a film at that!

(p.s. the pills were placebos)

Every creature on this earth dies alone.

Movie goer one: I didn't like it that much.
Movie goer two: That's cos you didn't understand it! Look it up in the urban dictionary.

by Shaf November 9, 2004

263๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

A cinematic masterpiece, written and directed by Richard Kelly, about the creation of a tangent universe (i.e. the collapse of time and space leading up to the Apocalypse) and one semi-schizophrenic teenager's time-traversing attempt to discover the cause of the creation of the said universe and reverse it. Is a thought-provoking spectacle which is only really condemned by those who were angered that it didn't contain much violence or at least one full-blown sex scene. Shallow people, that is. Oh, also, I'm a massive fan of the movie but I don't consider myself a pseudo-intellectual... though there's no denying that it's intelligent. Don't listen to those who put it down because, quite simply, they don't have an active brain cell between them.

Donnie Darko is possibly the best movie ever made.

by UNTERMENSCHEN May 23, 2005

375๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

Interesting movie with haunting soundtrack, featuring demonic bunny rabbits and a very good looking Jake Gyllenhaal.

All in all, pretty good.

And whoever the 'intellectual' fucktard is who thinks 'deus ex machina' means "God will kill us all," I'd like to note that 'deux ex machina' means 'From the machine, God," from the Greek term for the literary device that allows for a sudden, serendipitous ending to occur through an act of God.

ie, Donnie Darko, with knife held to his neck about to die; a car swerves by that scares off his attackers. DEUS EX MACHINA.

by pomegranatesix July 18, 2004

133๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

An amazing cult film with great cinematography, dark humor, great dialogue, smart themes... and an entity in a twisted bunny suit that prophesizes the end of the world.
It defies categorization as a film, and one must watch it in its entirety to fully appreciate it. You may still not understand it after watching it, but it doesn't matter. The film is still riveting and engaging in every single way.

Donnie Darko sure as hell beats the crap out of the Boondock Saints.

by Absinthe May 23, 2004

526๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donnie Darko

Best movie ever made.
Incredibly wonderful cast.
Awesome soundtrack.
Jake Gyllenhaal is hot, too.

You're such a fuck ass!

by Oy. September 25, 2004

130๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž