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Dope As fuck

saying from Gavin the Earl of gayhurst, often accompanied by an action such as a dab or pretty much anything that's dope as fuck, now this saying is common slang among teens and #beckanators

wow that is dope as fuck

by becky douglas April 29, 2019

71πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

dope as fuck

Used to describe something that is rather good or entertaining.

"Dude that movie was dope as fuck" or "This chicken is dope as fuck"

by DJ-DIZZ July 15, 2008

102πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

dope as fuck

the catch-phrase used by the β€œLunatics” character Gavin Mcgregor in his c***lord Instagram videos

1. (Gavin bouncing on trampoline) dope as fuck!
2. (Gavin riding in his cousin’s comedically small car) dope as fuck!

by ejo66 April 25, 2019

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dope As Fuck

This phrase is similar to others such as
totally cool
totally sweet
insanely awesome
insanely bitch'n

It is most commonly used to refer to the band Funeral Moon and other asscore bands

some Guy: dude, funeral moon is dope as fuck
Some other guy: yeah they ripped ass at the show last night

by Jonas Hill November 5, 2007

61πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Dope-as-Fuck: A term of enthusiasm over anything found agreeable or entertaining.

Deng, that movie was dope-as-fuck.

by R.mo (sorta like J Lo) December 13, 2005

36πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Dope As Fuck Day

On the 6th of May, Everybody has to say Dope As Fuck to your teachers, parents, friends anyone during the day and video it and put it on social media.

oi sir your gay, dope as fuck !

dope as fuck day

by Gavin Cooper May 2, 2019

98πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dope Fuck

The act of sharing dope to enhance your sexual experience.

My jewelry is dope, fuck the crystal method!
Dope fuck LOL

by Benjamin Z September 7, 2017