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a person thats basically a complete PRICK and is usually a friend of yours that always finds a way to...

A. Step on ur game

B. Ruin a existing relationship

C. Cannot keep mouth shut even over life or death situations

D. and finally is a complete dumbass

You: Wow ur brother is a douche-waffle-mc'cunt-nugget

Ex-Girlfriend: LOL WTF what is that

You: your brothers new nickname "lol"

Ex-Girlfriend: and why is that lol

You: he just called my girlfriend a slut and we almost broke up cuz of another douche-waffle-mc'cunt-nugget blowing everything out of the water....

Ex-Girlfriend: Lol well HAHAHAHAHA!!! I like the new nick name im gonna call him that to :)

by The Guitar Hero January 30, 2008

91👍 28👎


A male under 30 years of age that wears pleated khakis.

Holy fuck look at AJ, what a douche-waffle-mc'cunt-nugget

by golf-freak93 January 31, 2008

38👍 27👎