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Noun. The state of being a douchebag, characterized by pretentiousness, overinflated self-worth (egotism) and low intelligence. Pejoratively (negatively) used.

I hear you. His douchebaggetry knows no bounds.

by DAHL January 5, 2011


when someone sets you up for the fall by blaming you for something the blamer really did.

douchebaggetry is the action of someone who really yells at and insults and then calls you the bad one.

when you ask your neighbor to move their car out of the way in your own driveway so you can get out but when you realize how drunk she is, you ask the more sober ones at the house to move the car or suggest , okay , you can move it tomorrow but the drunken neighbor yells out, "why are you bitching and complaining" and threatens to "shit on your lawn".The drunken neighbor then sneaks out and starts the car by herself and takes of at full speed down a side street as you yell out stop a see her pull into the local watering hole for more, well to me that is douchebaggery.

The next day as all her friends are over revering her as a driving booze hero she yells out across the lawn to me , " I didn't shit on your lawn", probably making everyone think I accused her of it.

Anyways, seems her and some of her friends think it is cool to talk about excrementing on people's lawns.

by f.o.p. July 11, 2008

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