Source Code

drew carey

Fat comedian from Cleveland, who looks like Dilbert.

Bite me, Doughboy

by X April 28, 2004

457👍 125👎

Drew Carey

Man who is unfairly treated by others on Urban Dictionary.
He is actually a very funny man, and shouldn't be made fun of because of his weight, like Colin should not be taken the piss out of because he is losing his hair.

"See all them twats on UD taking the piss out of Drew Carey? Yeh? They're gay."

by Loolie March 18, 2006

410👍 276👎

Drew carey

A portly American comedian.

Drew Carey prefers beer and meat pies to women.

by Iam not Elmer Fudd December 24, 2019

2👍 1👎