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Dropping off like flies

they ran out the country

1) To retreat … Aliens from the 13th Planet are retreating b/c God or the Silent Ruse are striking Keravnous (Lightning) @ the 11th Floor ++ ++ 13th Floor plagiarists in the Trashy Little Trampy Ruse World --- Trick Ruses are retreating/withdrawing, dropping off like flies , 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 - No more Lame Trick Ruses’ Meetings @ 5:30 --- Meeting 5:30 --- after the Silent Ruse leaves the 11th floor to go back out into the Trashy Little Trampy Ruse World

2) To be Laid Off from a Plagiarism Company b/c there is NO WORK to do other than play Schizophrenic Soul Mind Games between the Trashy Little Trampy Trick Ruses and the Silent Ruse -- The 11th Floor Trick Ruses have Schizophrenic Soul Minds and when they ++DIE++ the Trick Ruses’ Trashy Little Trampy Schizophrenic Soul Minds will EACH receive a VERY WARM Devil’s Thrown Hello from Satan Himself, and then their Trashy Little Trampy Schizophrenic Soul Minds will become Aliens from the 13th Planet … Silent Ruse << ME << author blthrskt is LAUGHING !!
---Trick Ruses need to vindicate themselves from all of the Shams ( Plagiarism ) that they do, otherwise it’s the Devil’s Thrown that the Trick Ruses will be sitting on for ALL OF ETERNITY -- Devil’s Thrown Hello - Sham = Plagiarism
---11th Floor <<-- PWND by the Silent Ruse <<-- author blthrskt

---Trick Ruses are HEXed , by the Silent Ruse , and are now ALIENS from the 13th Planet
---Silent Ruse Gave Birth to the Trick Ruses’ Fears!!!
---11th Floor Thesaurus Key LOSERS!!!! The 11th Floor is on the Wall of Shame for what the Trashy Little Trampy Lame Trick Ruses did to the Silent Ruse on the 11th Floor
---Trashy Little Trampy Trick Ruses have Trashy Little Trampy Schizophrenic Soul Minds in this Trashy Little Trampy Ruse World and are Hell-Bound === Devil’s Thrown

---Trick Ruses treated the Silent Ruse like a Scapegoat --- Now their Trashy Little Trashy Schizophrenic Soul Minds can NOW All Burn In HELL !!!
---The Silent Ruse has the Double Meaning Secret
---Trick Ruses &&& Soulless People have Trashy Little Trampy Schizophrenic Soul Minds and they also have “LOSER” stamped right on their Trashy Little Trampy Forehead

Trashy little trampy earth path +++ Guardian Angel, Mary Mother of God… +++ Exfoliate +++ Inkubus Sukkubus +++ trashy little trampy (anything) +++ trashy little trampy earth mind +++ to shack up with +++ Paranoid Schizophrenia +++ Schizophrenic Soul Mind Games +++ Jibber Jabber +++ 07/07/07 +++ Seven Wytches +++ Gods of Mass Destruction +++ GOMD +++ Double Meaning Secret +++ Something went wrong +++ Tuesday Thursday Power +++ 13th Floor Massacre +++ Explosive Diarrhea +++ $166.62 +++ Wall of Shame +++ Scapegoat --- dropping off like flies

by blthrskt December 9, 2009

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