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Druggo: Noun

A person who is a drug addict
A word that is used in response to anything and everything to call someone a drug addict

"You're a druggo mate"

by tommyrulesdog May 19, 2016

111πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A kind of person that doesn't exist. I'm not one, you're not one, the cancer cell that looks like homer isn't one and especially not the aussie sasquatch smoking drugs. Don't even think about it.

Mate: You're a fucking druggo.
Sasquatch: Nah cunt watchatalkinabeet.

by My nagger May 16, 2018

22πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One who uses ilicit drugs consistently because of addiction or to escape their dull lives and resort to paranoia.

I didn't know you were a druggo, SORRY BRO!!!

by groggsman December 9, 2003

28πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

fucken druggo

what skitz cunts say to adress another skitz cunt

sassy-β€œLez ya fucken druggo whats gaiin onnn!”
lez-β€œfuck yuu sassy ya really fucked me up this time cunt”
sassy-β€œyur only gonna get liver pains for the next 5 years or so”
lez-β€œfuck yuuu sassy”

by Ellen ripley January 15, 2018

You fuckin' druggo

A phrase stated by Sassy from The Big Lez Show. You would say this when you see someone doing drugs, as they are a "fuckin druggo"

Random cunt "yo pass the weed"

Sassy "you fuckin' druggo"

by Mr Pickerill-apeed February 25, 2017

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you fucken druggo

To call someone a druggo means to call them a drug addict

You Fucken druggo

by Josby the ape January 27, 2017

You Fuckin Druggo

Something you say to your mates or random people if your hih

Old mate Jimmy: What the fuck did you put in my drink
Me: Fuckin Drugs
Old Mate Jimmy: How long was I out for
Me: 11 days you fuckin Druggo

by Yea Wot Mate September 10, 2019

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž