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Dry January

The month in which you banish alcoholic beverages in the betterment of yourself just so you can get even more drunk in February

Jim: Hey man want a Corona?

Me: Nah man it’s Dry January only a coke for me.

by AgrCorp January 3, 2019

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Dry January

Staying soober only from the 4th until the 28th of January because you can´t keep your New Year´s resolution.

"Man I tried staying sober the whole January but I think I'll just do a dry January."
Person 1: "Man staying sober the whole Month is so hard."
Person 2: "Have you heard of the Dry January?"

by SkinnyLud January 27, 2022

dry january

Dry January is the process of intercourse in the cool January air, which is low in moisture and tends to leave everything dry and uncomfortable. Much like getting your tongue stuck to a pole.

After December, dry January becomes a prevalent danger
We were in the woods, and nothing worked, it was dry january all over again

by Xdave January 4, 2015

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Dry January

The female version of no nut november

Sorry I can’t come over tonight, it’s dry January.

by Dadavasa February 5, 2024

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Dry January

This is when someone doesn’t drink alcohol for one month at the beginning of the year so they can become an absolute alcoholic disgrace of a human the rest of the year guilt free.

Friend: Uh Greg stop making out with that 300lb trans woman who just vomited under the bar.

Greg: ”Dry January is over nerd”

by NinjaClint January 27, 2024