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(verb) to be finished with, fed up, or incapacitated with thought or emotion about a particular person or situation.
(exclamation) to display strong distaste, disdain or disagreement.

"So, my ex called today because he wants me to stop and have a drink. I was like 'DUHN!!'"

by Kray Zaay May 17, 2013

9👍 4👎


When you have no idea what to respond so you answer with duhhhhhhhhs and uhhhhhhhhhhs.

Person 1: Whats 6 times 2?

Person 2: Uhhhhmmm uuhh duuuuuuuhhhhhhh uh 5 no duhhhhh 10!
Person 2 just Duhned

by Dr.Shoosh March 23, 2017