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Dumpster Cult

The sum total of those individuals so indoctrinated into the blind following of ANY narcissistic sociopath (including Trump) that the reality of actual fact-of-crime evidence cannot penetrate a shield of carefully constructed, pure and utter bullshittery.

So. Who’s gonna pay for the wall? Who’s got the sharpie ready to ‘correct’ the hurricane path? Who endorsed Ivermectin and other harmful agents to treat COVID without ANY supporting scientific evidence? Who systematically mis-represented his real estate holdings to gain illegal financial leverage? Who orchestrated the most pervasive attempt to undermine Democracy in American History? Who has been indicted on, like, 91 charges of dumpster cult criminal activity in both state and federal courts? Who called the dogs on his own Vice President nearly costing him his life? Who is running for president ONLY because election to that office might allow him to pardon HIMSELF for crimes against the United States of America?

by YAWA September 7, 2023