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Ear Wax

Although it may look like wax and be called wax, you can’t make candles from it. It’s a semi-solid varying in colour from almost white, through yellow to dark brown, secreted from modified sweat glands within the ear. Its purpose is to protect and moisturise the delicate skin inside the ears. What can happen, though, is that over-secretion causes a build up within the ear which can cause partial deafness, discomfort or pain and may require its removal. To do this a special liquid can be obtained from pharmacists, although this is not always successful. Alternatively the build up of wax may be removed by syringing the ears with water or with a specialised vacuum extractor, these last two should only be done by a qualified medical practitioner. On no account should you go digging around in there with cotton swabs or trying to melt it out with ear wax extraction candles.

I've got so much ear wax I can't hear a thing.

by AKACroatalin December 31, 2016

129πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Ear Wax

A secretion, varying from yellow to dark brown, from modified sweat glands within the ear. Its purpose is to lubricate and protect the delicate skin within the ears. Occasionally a build up of this substance can cause partial deafness, discomfort or pain and may require removal. This can be achieved with a special liquid available from pharmacists, or by syringing the ears with water or vacuum extraction by a qualified medical practitioner.

I've got so much ear wax I can't hear a thing

by Croatalin November 25, 2013

50πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Ear Wax


Ear Wax is a condensed form of Marijuana extract, like Hashish (Hash). Not as hard as regular Hash, not as runny as oil, and not as soft as butter. Just like wax.

I got a gram of Trainwreck "Ear Wax" last week for $60. That shit is so strong I'm still hit'n a little bit every day.

by Jeffred5 August 8, 2010

126πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

ear wax

a horrible yellow sticky substance that comes out your ears.heeee whats all that about

it does'nt smell but if you pick your ear and put it by your cat he goes mad for it (TRAP)

by ruby wax August 4, 2003

67πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

ear wax

after blowing a hot, sticky, seminal load in a person's ear, this is the seepage that cums out (pun intended)

After my drum solo, my girlfriend needed a rag and a whole box of q-tips to clean up the ear wax.

by Spaz Out September 11, 2008

24πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

Ear wax shaming

Making fun of it shaming someone for the amount of wax in they're ears.

Ear wax shaming example

Evie:Have you seen weems ears? They're so waxy!

Mr Barley:Don't Ear wax shame weem!

by Ear wax shaming December 27, 2022

ear wax method

When you cram your pinky finger into either your ear or the girls ear to get a ball of wax, then stuff the wax into her snatch to see if she squirms. If so she may have a std.

Andre knew it was safe to go raw dog after applying the ear wax method.

by scott clement January 22, 2008

88πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž