A shock site depiciing a guy eating something out of an ass.
Person: Google eating cream
Person 2:OMG, You perv
3👍 14👎
What post coital withdrawl looks like up close.
"Hey Margaret. What does THAT look like? I think it looks like your grandfather eating ice cream."
430👍 49👎
Low key aka on the DL performing fellatio on an islander. Usually considered of the homosexual nature.
Bob: "Does John have a timeshare in Honolulu? I swear ever he started hanging out with that fellow Kaui, he doesn't want to hang out because he's 'always busy eating ice cream in Hawaii'."
A term used to describe a situation so fucked up that the situation can only conclude in a big mess.
Employee 1: Did you hear Kanye West is a human resources manager now?!?!!
Employee 2: Oh that is like the Cookie Monster Eating Ice Cream.
2👍 1👎
What you say when you know you're getting on someone's nerve
Dude, I know I'm eating your ice cream but you gotta hear me out...
8👍 1👎
The result of a battle royal between 3 friends to come up with the best names to call eachother.
Friend 1: Cunt Bubble!
Friend 2: Cum Blaster!
1👍 9👎