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Eating pork

the act of consuming an meat of a pig called "pork"

Michael: Hey John what are you eating today?
John: I'm eating pork

by Tacticaler November 29, 2022

Eating Pork

To eat or suck on a womans vagina

Andrew: I really enjoy eating pork
Pat: Yes its about time you did it
Andrew: Forget BBQ with Tad

by Totalownage1432 May 9, 2008

15👍 16👎

eat my pork

(1) Perform fellatio on me (request for sex).
(2) A generalized insult -- go fuck yourself

"Eat my pork, bitch!"

by cornholio October 12, 2003

9👍 12👎

Eating naughty pork pies in the bath

Bath time botty action with processed meat in the bath

The fetish of inserting processed meat into the rectum, whilst having a bath. E.g. Pepperoni, pork pies, a savaloi or a sausage roll.

"Yeah, I'd definitely say I'm kinky but not OVERLY so. I'm up for eating naughty pork pies in the bath every now and again, but nothing too crazy!"

by Mr. Retsbol March 31, 2021

4👍 5👎