A place full of stolen media with ebaumsworld.com plastered all over it
There is no God, because Eric Bauman hasn't been sued to hell yet.
2122๐ 227๐
A website created by Eric Bauman, filled to the brim with stolen content from other websites. Ebaumsworld recently stole from YTMND (You're the man now dog).com, and has stolen from sites such as SomethingAwful and Fark. Also, Eric posted malicious code on the front page of Ebaumsworld, that wasted their bandwidth, which is illegal.
1357๐ 239๐
Stupidity for the rest of us who don't have a life shame, idiotic and nonesense; polluting the mind
Ebaumsworld.com is garbage floating in cyberspace that didn't get recycle properly.
815๐ 194๐
Ebaumsworld is the internet whore, everybody has gotten on it and after a while u get sick of it.
Albinoblacksheep is another hoe who makes less money.
664๐ 181๐
A place with loads of stolen material, some cited, some not. Eric Baumen puts his ebaumsworld watermark on every piece of material he gets. YTMND is similar to Eric Bauman of Ebaumsworld, but Ebaumsworld is much worse. YTMND users steal images from other sites, such as 4chan and SomethingAweful (most just use "google" as their source; just as bad as not crediting the original author at all). When users leave their sources blank, they are either: 1. lazy or 2. trying to credit other material as their own. If it is left blank, it supposed to be assumed that the creater of the page created that image or sound. However, YTMND can be classified as more original, since they take those images they find and mold them into quite humerous "fads" and other jokes. Some even create entirely new images from scratch, such as "Color ME YTMND."
I got bored with the current daily media on Ebaumsworld, so I went to YTMND to make me laugh.
230๐ 58๐
a website full of stolen media, mostly stolen from newgrounds which is updated every minute or so up to 200 a day, when ebaumsworld is updated once a week.
ebaumsworld sucks
ebaums world is teh gheyzor
63๐ 39๐
Website about to be made into TV show. Ebaumsworld gets more hits than any other video website.
Eric Bauman is a role model for slackers. he dropped out of high school, stole content from other sites, and will now be a millionare because of it. Ebaumsworld is the shiz.
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