ecto h2o , also known as ecto 8 is the ghostbusters thugboat used by the ghostbusters to get to shandor's island in the Newly 2009 released pc game by atari .
It is a simple thug boat with tire bumpers all aroud it , the cabin section is painted white with the no ghost logo , it as the blue stroboscope and red lights , same as the ecto 1 and ecto 1a , also a parabolic dish is visible on the boats roof and a particle canon .
the game is available for Pc , x box and ps3 , also a derivate version featuring the ecto h2o is available for the playstation 2 and wii console witch is the same as the pc version but cartoony and it is also available in the even more derivate version for the nintendo dsi .
In none of the aforementioned games you can actually drive the ecto h2o it is merely used to bring you to the isle by another ghostbuster , in fact in no game ( exept the dsi version in witch you can use only the ecto 1a ) can you control any ecto vehicles .
Ecto H2O is also refered as the ecto 8 .
Ecto h2o is essientially a highly modified thug boat .