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Elements Of Hip Hop

1. Bboying
2. MCing
3. Graffiti
4. DJing
5. Knowledge, Culture and Overstanding

There are lesser elements of hip hop including Fashion, Promoting, Beatboxing, Funkstyles, Flyer-Making, and many others. However, these are often debated as to whether they are hip hop ELEMENTS, or simply a part of hip hop culture.

The Universal Zulu Nation spreads the word of peace, love, unity, and having fun through the many Elements of Hip Hop culture.

by MrSander7x January 28, 2008

280๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements Of Hip Hop

1.b-boyin' or breakin
3.MCin' or emceein'
4.Graffiti or Taggin'

alot of contraversy of the 5th element.some say that the 5th is fasion(i.ei clothes/image),beatboxin(could be put under MCin' n DJin').but i say its tha hip hop culture itself,n like tha rings in tha phantom and in tha movie 5 elements, all tha elements go into tha final to make tha painting complete.

"the five elements of hip hop...djin',MCin', Breakin, and Graffiti" -Arsonists

by dysfunk March 27, 2005

33๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements Of Hip Hop

1.break dancing
5.beat boxing

(elements of hip hop just a definition bro)

by sweetones October 27, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements of Hip hop

5 Elements of hip hop:

Praise the 2 the Zulu Nation, the first Hip Hop activist organization which defined the Elements of Hip hop.

by d.dub September 26, 2006

127๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements of Hip Hop

1. Bboying
2. MCing
3. Graffiti
4. DJing
5. Knowledge, Culture and Understanding

There are lesser elements of hip hop including Fashion, Promoting, Beatboxing, Funkstyles, Flyer-Making, and many others. However, these are often debated as to whether they are hip hop ELEMENTS, or simply a part of hip hop culture.

The Universal Zulu Nation spreads the word of peace, love, unity, and having fun through the Elements of Hip Hop culture.

by MrSander7x January 27, 2008

58๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements of Hip hop

The Elements are:
1st - Breakdancing (Bboying)
2nd - Emcee
3rd - DJ
4th - Graffitti

The other one Is the 5th which is Beat Boxing.

Know your elements of hip hop!

by Hue Jass June 20, 2004

128๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

Elements of Hip hop

Elements of hip hop:
1.BBOYING not Breakdancing, BBOYING

some know a fifth element, it is KNOWLEDGE.

stupid nonbreaker: OMG can you breakdance can you breakdance?!?! show me now show me now! can you do that thing where you spin on your head?!?!

true bboy: FUCK YOU.

by dont worry about it. February 4, 2005

54๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž