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Verb: Phonetic spelling of otherwise overused acronym "LOL" (laughing our loud) found often in chats and e-mails.

Used so often, the acronym appears to many viewers be imbued with the pronunciation "ellowel," so 'Dave the Painting Guy' deemed "ellowel" an actual word, campaigning to change LOL to ellowel beginning in January 2009. (Dec. 31, 2008 recording on uStream bears the campaign's beginning).

"You make me ellowel."

"When I read that, I totally elloweled."

by Dave The Painting Guy February 3, 2009

25👍 1👎


A homosexual act done to someone within your own family.

"Wow he's totally gunna ellowel you..."

by joshhymah February 24, 2008

4👍 25👎


Ellowelling: A word created by me, right here and now that I am documenting.

Her text was so amusing to me, she had me ellowelling.
You're welcome

by ScottLovesSpiders&Men December 5, 2018