Source Code


Erratic Memory Service

E-M-S: When your memory isn't functioning well..

by nope12334455667567 August 25, 2007

97πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Worst guild in world of warcraft, period.

Guy 1: I have to commit suicide, I'm sorry Mom.
Mom 1: Honey why?!
Guy 1: I got kicked out of N E M E S I S...
Mom 1: OMFG!! You suck!! GTFO!!

by Jadler September 4, 2007

33πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


Seamus is a good dude. Caring, understanding, reliable, cute, and everything you could want in a guy. He gives hugs that are to die for and he’s super tall and built asf. If you ever get a seamus, keep him in your life for as long as possible

Damnnn did you see seamus? He’s been working out!! S-E-A-M-U-S

by Sgm31082005 March 12, 2019

He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n

literally just a photo of an egg with 7 legs and an eye walking across a barren landscape who’s goal is to find the
p a r m e s a n

-pretty meaningless
-surreal memeology

Bystander: Anon do where is the parβ€”

Anon: He travels, he seeks the p a r m e s a n

by highkey spittin straight facts November 18, 2019

42πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž